Friday, September 26, 2008


Happy Vacation!

I'm writing this just after talking with a couple of you. People are very curious about music and what I do in my spare time :) Here's a small taste....

Music: Caribou, Belle and Sebastian, Luna, and Of Montreal....I love lots of music... Lucinda Williams, Mika, and I absolutely love this song :)

I worked at Beloit College Magazine, the Homer Tribune, and the Stateline News as a reporter and writer. I still write a lot. Here is one article I wrote this summer.

In my spare time I'm trying to learn Chinese :) If anyone wants to help me, just give me a call.

I also love photography and biking. I'm interested in art and documentary work. One of my interests is also the connection between theory and practice, thought and action. I like learning neuroscience for laymen (regular people).

I'm very excited and nervous about the upcoming presidential elections in the U.S. I think this election is particularly important, especially with the wars lingering in Afghanistan and Iraq and the economy. I support Barack Obama. Actually, I saw him speak at Beloit College last spring! He is quite a good speaker.

I'm trying to learn to cook, too, so if you want to cook with me sometime, just let me know :)

Ok, bedtime.


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