Friday, September 26, 2008


Happy Vacation!

I'm writing this just after talking with a couple of you. People are very curious about music and what I do in my spare time :) Here's a small taste....

Music: Caribou, Belle and Sebastian, Luna, and Of Montreal....I love lots of music... Lucinda Williams, Mika, and I absolutely love this song :)

I worked at Beloit College Magazine, the Homer Tribune, and the Stateline News as a reporter and writer. I still write a lot. Here is one article I wrote this summer.

In my spare time I'm trying to learn Chinese :) If anyone wants to help me, just give me a call.

I also love photography and biking. I'm interested in art and documentary work. One of my interests is also the connection between theory and practice, thought and action. I like learning neuroscience for laymen (regular people).

I'm very excited and nervous about the upcoming presidential elections in the U.S. I think this election is particularly important, especially with the wars lingering in Afghanistan and Iraq and the economy. I support Barack Obama. Actually, I saw him speak at Beloit College last spring! He is quite a good speaker.

I'm trying to learn to cook, too, so if you want to cook with me sometime, just let me know :)

Ok, bedtime.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Worksheet for Hiroshima 1

Here is the worksheet we did aloud today with the answers. Feel free to ask if you do not understand :)

1. Tom thinks he is so cool but he should ____ his pedestal. He’s just like the rest of us.

a) down from b) get off c) slip off

2. I saw you the other day; you were ____ a cute outfit.
a) in b) on c) about

3. ___ seeing you cheered me from my gloomy mood.
a) merely b) when c) on

4. The reason I didn’t get my homework done doesn’t ____ staying out late with friends and partying….
a) because b) have anything to do with c) mean

5. The desert did not ___ have many animals. I only saw one lizard.
a) sort of b) look to c) seem to

6. The little girl was so absorbed in her book she was ___ her mother calling her name.
a) oblivious to b) ignore c) seeing

7. That boy puts on a(n) ___ like he knows what he is doing. But he has no clue at all.
a) appear b) façade c) sight

8. My life ___ before my eyes as the taxi came within inches of hitting me.
a) slipped b) lurched c) flashed

9. The ___ of sun in the rearview mirror blinded me and I couldn’t see.
a) glare b) bright c) sight

10. The man on TV was so cute he ___ me (my attention) and I felt my heart stop.
a) stopped b) arrested c) moored

11. Even though Susan farted in class, she pretended Jerry did it to ___.
a) point of honour b) save face c) disdain

12. When I came to China, I __ unable to say simple things.
a) at a loss b) found myself c) intermezzo

13. “You are right Mary. That is __ the reason we are in France---to learn French.”
a) only b) why c) just

14. My plans are __. We can do whatever you want. It’s no biggie.
a) flexible b) beige c) cautious

15. Britney Spears dances without ___ and does whatever she wants.
a) inhibition b) restrain c) muted

16. “No! You can’t pay! I __. You are my guest. I am taking you out.”
a) protest b) insist c) make a point

17. The traditional Japanese houses ___ with the skyscrapers in Hiroshima.
a) clashed b) honeycombed c) dwarfed

18. No one wanted to talk about what had happened at Nanjing and they ___ their memories.
a) shamed b) suppressed c) traced

19. Talking while other people talk makes me ___.
a) jolt b) humiliated c) agitated

20. I had a big pimple on my nose and everyone was staring. I was so ___.
a) shamed b) embarrassed c) stigmatized

21. When my boyfriend left me, he took everything and left without a(n) ___.
a) trace b) impact c) trickle

22. Even if you want to avoid seeing Mark, you’ll ___ him everyday. He’s in your class.
a) clash b) encounter c) linger

Thursday, September 18, 2008

From cathedrals to catwalks

Gothic originally comes from a term in architecture and describes things like the arch in the bazaar.

It is a very intricate and ornate style. Usually it also is spooky and dark. Even books can be "Gothic," which means they are mysterious and eerie.
Here's a recent article from the NY Times about the style:

Welcome to our blog!

Dear Class,

Yes, you! Everyone.

This blog is a place to chat about the reading and to post questions and concerns. It is also a place where I will put articles and links and information of interest and relevance to our readings. We are together for a long time. So I want to be able to communicate easily with all of you. Remember, you can always email me, too:

