Thursday, April 16, 2009

sections of speech

1. My fellow citizens...threaten our planet
2. These are the indicators...rugged path toward prosperity and freedom
3. For us, they of remaking America
4. For everywhere we look...people and their government
5. Nor is the question...ready to lead once more
6. Recall that earlier generations...we will defeat you
7. For we know that our patchwork...we must change with it
8. As we consider the road...that finally decides our fate
9. Our challenges may be new...a most sacred oath
10. So let us mark...safely to future generations

1. we observe today...this much we pledge--and more
2. to those old allies...master of its own house
3. to that world assembly...absolute control of all nations
4. let both sides seek...the historic effort?
5. in the long history...must truly be our own

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the snakes are real

I wasn't kidding:

They are huge, and, to me, scary....

easy reviewing

for those of you with good notes, reviewing and testing should be a piece of cake.

here are the questions we did today, plus some.

see you chickens next week.


Marrakech is an example of what kind of writing? (exposition/expository essay)

In what two places does Orwell talk about flies in Marrakech?

What other meaning does “grope” have?

What is the status of old women in Marrakech? (lowest, beast of burden)

Erich Fromm comes from what school of thought? (Frankfurt)

What kind of writing is “The Worker As Creator or Machine”? (causal exposition)

What attitude does Fromm have toward the past? (romantic, idyllic)

What is it…and where do we see the main theme of the Worker As Creator or Machine? (para. 5)

What two thinkers highly influenced Fromm? (Marx and Freud)

What field of study did Max Weber found?

What is slum tourism?

What kind of writing is “The ones who walk away from Omelas”? (allegory)

T/F Fromm thinks that modern people are too busy and driven to work to make money. (F)

T/F The word “bliss” has a connotation of intense energy and explosive happiness. (F)

T/F there are many pythons, giant snakes, loose in Florida right now. (T—but not because of the economy, that was a joke. It’s because they got out during hurricanes and are breeding….)

T/F The thesis of Marrakech is that colonial empires are based on the fact that the colonizers do not see the colonized at humans (and the colonized are invisible).

T/F George Orwell uses a fluid, predictable structure in his essay Marrakech.

T/F Fromm thinks that machines taking the place of workers creates more productivity and free time.

T/F “Let’s go play/do you want to play with me?” has a sexual connotation

T/F there are over 2200 KFCs in China. 300 new ones open each year.

T/F Marta has never been to KFC.

T/F the child in the Ones who walk away from Omelas is locked in an attic.

T/F The people of Omelas are not upset about the child because they do not see themselves as responsible.

T/F Obama used the word “god” in his speech ten times. (F, 3x)

T/F JFK repeated the word “America” throughout his speech. (F—4x)

Grave - funny
Shimmer - dark
Dodge - head straight for/run into
Wind - walk straight
Banal – malignant. harmful
Puritanical - loose
Modest – brave/ open
Imperious - humble
Feeble – strong/ robust
Imbecile – brilliant/ smart
Abominable - wonderful

Figures of speech:

Or are they merely a kind of undifferentiated brown stuff, about as individual as bees or coral insects? (simile)
No gravestone, no name , no identifying mark of any kind. (rep)
Hummocky earth, like a derelict building lot
Piles of pomegranates
A good job Hitler wasn’t here. Perhaps he was on his way, however. (sarcasm)
Lines of women, bent double like inverted capital Ls.
Firewood was passing—that was how I saw it. (inversion)
Boots that looked like blocks of wood.
The wound up the road with a clumping of boots and a clatter or iron wheels. (parallelism)
It was like watching a flock of cattle.
The more his work develops, the more his individuality develops. (repetition)
Rightly, has he been defined as the ‘animal that produces.’ (inversion)
However primitive and simple his method of work may be, by the very fact of production, he has risen above the animal kingdom. (periodic)
He separates himself from nature, from the original unity with her (personification), but at the same time unites himself with her again as her master and builder. (antithesis)
The more it was possible to gain riches by work, the more it became a pure means to the aim of wealth and success. (repetition, parallelism)
What happens to the industrial worker?
Devoid of dignity
The most distinctly different toaster in the world (hyperbole)
He hates himself
Set the swallows soaring.

Word substitution:

I tore off a piece and he stowed it gratefully in some secret place under his rags.

A lifetime of sitting in this position left his leg warped out of shape.

Thanks to a lifetime of sitting in this position, his left leg is warped out of shape.

Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.

Life is a back-breaking struggle to wring a little food our of an eroded soil.

All of them are mummified with age.

A vast load of wood.

Effortless learning, no more of the old drudgery.

Unless man exploits others, he has to work to live.

Man molds and changes himself.

Craftsmanship was one of the peaks in the evolution of creative work.

This puts a premium on slovenly work.

It is going to pay off someday.

The more his individuality develops.

There was profound satisfaction in work.

His role is a passive one.

Word roots:

This kind of thing makes one’s blood boil.
They were reduced to bones and leathery skin.
Are they merely a kind of undifferentiated brown stuff, about as individual as bees or coral insects?
The animal lowered its head and tried to butt me.
How much longer can we go on kidding these people? How long before they turn their guns in the other direction?
Every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury
Work became the chief factor in a system of “inner-worldly asceticism”
Work carried with it a profound satisfaction.
Work is also his liberator from nature.
There is no ulterior motive in work other than the product being made and the processes of its creation.
Man has risen above the animal kingdom.
There is no split of work and play, or work and culture.
A paycheck is not enough to base one’s self-respect on.
He is part of the equipment hired by capital.
The underlying idea can be formulated like this.


Shit sheet sin slim
Cat caught can Ken cart curt cut coat
River liver sliver
Rice lice slice
Ass ash
Rare lair
Tin ten
Bet bait bat bad
Worse worth